In The News

6 Nov

There’s a reasonable chance you’re here thanks to recent news articles and segments regarding the memorial video we made for our sons Rudyard, Desmond and Oscar.  If that’s the case, thank you for your interest. It does mean a lot to my wife and me.  In interviews, we’ve tried our best to represent our own experiences and the feelings of those of us in the grief community who’ve chosen to celebrate and remember our loved ones’ lives in the form of online media.

If you’re looking for the video, you can find it here.

Or, if you’re curious about the illustrations I drew of the boys, you can see them in this post.

Or, if you want to know a bit more about the circumstances of our sons’ birth and passing, please refer to the FAQ.

Thank you again.

– Jeremy Bear

9 Responses to “In The News”

  1. Susan November 7, 2013 at 3:17 am #

    I heard your story on NPR this morning and was drawn to your site. What a beautiful memorial of your family’s happiest and most tragic times. The music was hauntingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing this very personal record. Your sons were silent angels. You have given me a poignant reminder of the value in every life, the gift of every child who enters our lives, no matter how briefly.

  2. Diane November 7, 2013 at 3:27 am #

    What a beautiful tribute to your precious boys. They are fortunate to have such loving parents.

  3. TripletSAHD November 7, 2013 at 3:59 am #

    Good to see a post from you! Hope you all are doing well. You all are still in my thoughts and prayers. Y’all are amazing people.

    Love y’all,


  4. Becki November 7, 2013 at 5:36 am #


    Still following you guys. Still in a grip of emotion for you two. No sappy, meaningless passing words of encouragement other than to say we are here crying alongside you. I mean it, I really do. I hope everyday life seems to be a bit easier. Thinking about you often. You guys rock for sharing your journey.

  5. Tahnaykay November 25, 2013 at 5:23 am #

    I am currently in tears because I understand your pain Many prayers to you and your wife for strength because I know its hard it never gets easy you just have to take it one day at a time even though there is a smile there is an underlying pain I miscarried girls 6 months apart from each other 2 yrs ago and it is still hard I pray that you and your wife are trying again and that when you two conceive that her womb the baby or babies will be healthy and strong and that God will guide the doctors and nurses hands and give them the knowledge that is needed to bring forth the miracle(s) to be May God bless you and wife beyond measure thank you for posting about your 3 angels because it has helped me in so many ways

  6. Kristi January 31, 2014 at 1:07 pm #

    Hi Jeremy. I just found your website a few days ago, and I am so incredibly saddened and sorry for your loss. My husband and I just had BBG fraternal triplets in September 2013. Baby A’s water broke at 28 weeks, and they were born at 30 weeks. It is crazy to think that only about 6 weeks separate our experiences. I am now taking care of all three of them by myself during the days while my husband works, and while I love them so very, very much, it can be extremely stressful at times. Now when I start feeling negative or stressed out, all I need to do is think about you and your family, and it immediately sends a wave of gratitude and love over me. It has been so very helpful for me during challenging moments. In that way, your boys are helping me (and likely others) in ways that you are not even aware. I hope that can bring you some comfort, however small. Please feel free to contact me anytime. You can also check out my husband’s blog about our triplets’ NICU experience here if you would like:

  7. ryan floersheim April 13, 2014 at 1:18 pm #

    First off let me say how happy I am to have stumbled across your blog. Ive been living in a nightmare for the past two weeks and the salt in the wound was that I thought I was alone in this darkness. My name is Ryan, and my wife Jessica and I lost our triplet boys on March 31 when, at 22 weeks, she had a placental abruption and went into preterm labor. Later that night when the doctors couldn’t stop my wife from bleeding and her health became an immediate concern we were rushed into the operating room where an emergency C-section was performed. Our boys were placed on her chest there in that room and together we watched them gasp for air. They all passed within the hour. I have found an amazing amount of solace reading your blog and I am shocked by the similarities that we share. Down to that fateful first trip to Babys R Us in search of a body pillow after reading that it might help soothe the uncomfortable nights. Our families have all gone back to their lives, the visits and the food deliveries have all slowed to a trickle. I have so many questions about what to do now. What do I do with the unfinished nursery, left like and unfinished sentence on the other side of that door that neither of us want to open. What do I do with their ashes? I know you don’t know me and if you don’t want to share your experience I completely understand, but now I, like you, are an unwilling member of this elite club and I could use a hand…

    • Jeremy April 13, 2014 at 7:35 pm #

      Ryan, I’m so sorry. Thanks for writing. I’ve emailed you at your yahoo account.

  8. Shannon Garay April 29, 2014 at 7:28 pm #

    Jeremy, I just found your blog and am so sorry for your family’s loss. I am a mom of triplets born this February. I am also a labor and delivery RN and have helped family’s like yours deal with incredible loss. Thank you for sharing your story. How do you share the “networks” on your sidebar? I would love to share the triplet connection on my own blog too since I am a member!

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